Miles Hanson
Miles Hanson

Brand Architect & Podcast Host

The M&M newsletter is so well done. I can tell he puts a lot of time, energy, and experience into them. I get a lot of emails, but Evan does a great job boiling down marketing and mindset lessons into concise insights. Great stories, great examples, and solid tools you can implement immediately. I highly recommend subscribing.
Joel Eschenbach
Joel Eschenbach

Focus Coach For Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is a thrill ride. But the ups and downs can make you lose your lunch and never return. The M&M newsletter is Pepto for the entrepreneurial soul. Every Monday, I look forward to actionable marketing insights. Followed by Evan’s mindset shifts that get me back on my feet. He has a way of making it simple, yet challenging enough to keep me locked in. Subscribe. Trust me, you’ll come back for more than just a thrill.
Amanda Painter
Amanda Painter

Author & HR Consultant

Love the newsletter! As an entrepreneur, I find a great deal of value in the Marketing and Mindset newsletters. It’s the perfect balance of practicality and vision; useful tools to implement and thought-provoking content.
Ryan B
Ryan B

Filmmaker & Owner of 81a Studios

I’m always both excited and intrigued when I see the M&M email in my inbox. It’s a quick and entertaining read that always gets me thinking in the right direction.
Stephen S
Stephen S

Founder & Owner of Keyframe Media

I love the M&M newsletter and the podcast! It's a great way to kickstart my week. I find it really hard to build momentum especially after the weekend and Evan's newsletter is an amazing way to get the weekly ball rolling!


The information and content Evan offered after taking his quiz was excellent. He sent me very intentional information regarding freelancing and useful tips how to navigate the freelancing world. His level of professionalism was quite impressive and I truly appreciated his vision.
Byron Studdard
Byron Studdard

President of Studdard Financial

Evan is a professional that goes way above and beyond what is asked. He always delivers on time and on budget, but is not afraid to tell you when he doesn't know or if he thinks something could be done in a different way for cheaper - which is hard to find these days. He is the kind of person that would add value to almost any operation as he has to both my real estate and financial planning businesses.

Connie S

Very practical content