Max H

Mid Market Account Executive

Salman's sales interview course is INCREDIBLE. After months and months of hunting for a job, I just landed an offer at my dream company. Salman's course was a huge driver in that. Don't get me wrong, I still put in roughly 30 hours of prep for my interviews, but his tools gave me the tips and prompts I needed to prepare well. Key drivers from his course were: - The Territory plan - This is MUST for any sales person going through an interview. Show it off at every possible stage. - The Mock Demo - I demo every day, but this section gave me insight into what my hiring manager(s) looked for - Subtle Jabs - This gave me insights to control the conversation and have a stronger power dynamic - "Walk me through a deal" - I would have definitely overshared in my interview without this. This section gave me everything I needed to succinctly navigate this section. The course is only $30/mo. Skip a lunch or two and do yourself a favor here. You don't regret it, I promise.
Loren Fraser

Loren Fraser

Director of Sales, Majors at Pagerduty

After 12 years at the same company, my interview skills were a little rusty. Salman's "Ultimate Sales Interview" course was a tremendous investment and differentiator that I fully believed helped me land an awesome new role much faster than I would have without it. His insights and thought process are spot on and easy to implement. Highly recommend, thanks Salman!!
Mohamed Abdellah

Mohamed Abdellah

BDR at Salesforce

My name is Mohamed Abdellah and I've just been hired at Salesforce thanks to Salman's sales interview prep playbook. The territory plan strategy that he teaches in the playbook blew my interviewers away and was a main reason as to why I stood out to them. Salman also explains everything in a very easy manner and is highly actionable! Could not recommend enough

Taha Palwala

Director of Growth and Partnerships

I can honestly say that without Salman's guidance and support, I would not have landed my dream job as a Director of Growth and Partnerships. Salman is not only my mentor, but also a trusted friend and colleague in the sales industry. His regular posts on LinkedIn were always insightful and informative, and his willingness to make time for me out of his busy schedule was truly remarkable. I felt that he genuinely cared about my career success and was invested in helping me achieve my goals. Salman's sales academy is a testament to his expertise and passion for the industry. His insights and advice were always practical and tailored to my unique needs and strengths, which made all the difference in my job search. Through his mentorship, I not only learned valuable skills and knowledge but also gained the confidence to showcase my abilities during my interviews. Salman's tips and advice on how to present myself and communicate my value proposition were invaluable. I am truly grateful for Salman's support and guidance throughout my job search, and I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to break into the sales industry or advance their career. Salman is a true professional, and his dedication to helping his mentees succeed is unparalleled. Thank you, Salman, for everything.
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Lora S.

Salman’s sales interview advice and tips helped me land a number of job offers during my search. I am now an AE at a dream company and couldn’t be happier with the role and my team. Salman’s interview advice provided me with an excellent framework for expressing my strengths, why I specifically wanted to work at each company I was interviewing for and why I’d be the best candidate. Prepping for my interviews using Salman’s framework also made me think critically about why I’d want to work at these companies and why they’d be great (or not as great!) opportunities. I am confident that using Salman’s playbook helped me put my absolute best foot forward and led to me getting my current role, amongst other offers. If you want a strategic way to approach your interviews, to ensure you’re bringing your “A” game, and knock your interviewer’s socks off, you’re in the right place!

Mikal Quintanilla

Account Executive

Salman has helped me land my dream job, and my dream company! Salman has a genuine desire to see people succeed. His passion for giving back and helping others is something that I've noticed throughout my time working with Salman. In addition, he truly is an expert in this field of helping other perform well in SaaS interviews. His knowledge and and experience are not just theory’s, but practical tips that truly work! I highly recommend working with Salman.

Ali Rizwan

Enterprise Account Executive & IBM

My name is Ali and I work as an Enterprise Account Executive. Salman tips have helped me tremendously in my career, the speed and growth I've seen is unparalleled to anything I have experienced all thanks to his excellent tips. It giggles my mind at how many he constantly drops for people, my current role I went into the interview exactly with Salman plan about the 6-9 month frame work and guess what? I got the JOB on the first round without even having to do two additional final interviews, did the job interview, got the job the next day, that should tell you how valuable his advice is. For reference I don't work at a company that's small, it's one of the top tech companies in the world. Amazing advice, amazing person and a MASSIVE asset to sales folks all across the world
Adam O'Neill

Adam O'Neill

Enterprise Business Development

I hadn't been in an interview process in almost 15 years. A lot had changed, but Salman's interview advice gave me the confidence I needed. I quickly landed 4 job offers, including a counter-offer with a 25% salary bump. The bonus, Salman's sales role play advice is still being used, to help me succeed in my current sales role.


Sales Representative

When I first reached out to Salman, I was new to sales and struggled to pass the second and third interview stages. Salman's advice and experience helped me redirect my focus and gave me the confidence that only advice from someone with years of experience can provide. After speaking with Salman, I landed two job offers and am now working for my dream company! I'm incredibly grateful for all of his support.
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Susanne Green

Susanne Green

SDR @ Podium

Having no background in sales, but wanting to break into tech sales, finding Salman was gold. He provides so much value I booked time with him to help me prep for my interviews. I made it to the final round of all 3 of them. I accepted a position as an SDR, and I truly believe Salman’s valuable information is really what helped me stand out. I was prepared , asked questions they hadn’t heard, and had a level of confidence I didn’t think I could because I didn’t have experience. Would recommend Salman to anyone hungry to learn and advance in their sales career.