What remote working tool have you recently discovered that you love?
For me: @rize_io
Started using @rize_io and I'm loving it!
Ever since I read Deep Work by Cal Newport in 2019, it stuck with me that the key to getting more stuff done was single-tasking, turning off all notifications, async communication.
Rize takes it to the next level.

One of the most progressive and user-friendly solutions for automatic time tracking — @rize_io. Looks like a perfect tool to build better work habits and improve focus. 🚀
#ProductiveFishTools #Productivity #TimeTracking
This time tracking tool from @wrgoto and @macgillbdavis looks awesome! producthunt.com/posts/rize-99c102a1-d518-4e87-9944-3ea5ea710785?bc=1
I'm talking about @rize_io, built by @wrgoto & @macgillbdavis. Rize is an app that automatically tracks and categorizes your work and presents it to you in a beautifully configured dashboard.
Nearly six hours of work in flow state today. That's gotta be a personal record.
Thank you @flowdotclub and @rize_io 🥰🥰🥰 would not have been possible without you.

Really loving @rize_io so far to automatically track my productivity measuring everything I see or do on my computer + integrating my calendars.
You can see clearly that I basically spent my day (70%) today on meetings 😂 rize.io?code=9E28A7&utm_source=refer&name=Victoriano

I've been using @rize_io for the last few days, and it's a great and beautifully designed time-tracking app. Quite a premium product.
If you want to see where and how you spend your time and improve your efficiency, this is what you need.
I love that @rize_io team build out a @MightyApp integration so I can track with the browser and with speed too! twitter.com/wrgoto/status/1403469198337069056
Three essential tools for managing my macOS life:
- time: @rize_io
- privacy: @brave
- cleaning: @cleanmymac
What's your favorite software?
I’ve been trying out @rize_io recently and I have to say the experience is pretty good!
I like how it categorize your time into focus time, break time, and other categories accurately.
Great work, team!
loveeee using @rize_io to automatically track my productivity
out-of-box it highlights my FOCUS time, and I am already trying to make it trend upwards
you got a new customer

I used my PC as my main computer and Mac as backup. Now @rize_io does not have a windows tool (yet) and I the tracking was so good, that I have switched entirely to my mac.
Talk about behavioral change!
Love the product, can’t wait to see all new features.
thought I have been tweeting all day but numbers say i am nice af. love using this app - rize.io

I've been using @rize_io the past few days... and I absolutely love it.
It's been a while since I've used a new product that was so thoughtfully designed. Excited to see it grow and evolve @willgroto
Here's my referral code if you want to try it! rize.io?code=C14799&utm_source=refer&name=Karthik
Really digging this product so far. Is a sleeker version of RescueTime (which was a life-changing discovery in itself) and already a serious contender just coming out of beta. twitter.com/rize_io/status/1394548305724588032