Recommendation: algodaily.com has many interview questions if you need to improve your DS and Algo skills. It also emails a daily problem to you, for free! #programmer #Developers
@moracodes @AlgoDaily sends daily coding practice questions worth working through on a daily basis
Those questions are the same ones companies ask you to complete online before getting to an interview OR they’ll ask you to solve it in real time and collaboratively with an engineer.
Algorithm a day -- 5:30
I get my algorithms from AlgoDaily so this was next on the list for me
Breaking this down like an interview

Estes são os livros que recomendo e tenho usado nos meus estudos. Eu não me dou bem com cursos ou vídeo tutoriais mas os da AlgoDaily e outros materiais a volta podem ser um bom fit também.
@FrisianRage If you don't have a lot of savings then you're going to have to bite the bullet and get better at interviews. Sadly the skills to be a good developer and those to get through the interviews are not the same. Yes this sucks. Accept it. Checkout @AlgoDaily for a great prep resource
@izukucodes It gets better!
I am unassociated with them, but @algodaily has been great for me to practice algorithms!
Day 92 - #100DaysOfCode, Challenge (7/06/2021)
Today was a difficult day to study programming.
(Traveling to Moscow by train).
I got The AlgoDaily Book: Core Essentials - Pay What You Want on @Gumroad: gum.co/ipqoF
Day 9 of #100DaysOfCode
Today I committed to working with @AlgoDaily to streamline my interview prep process. So far it is quite nice. I am currently working on the 30 day plan they have. I feel this will help streamline my prep so I can spend more time building projects.
Highly recommend checking out Algo Daily if you're prepping for technical interviews. Helped me get from hopeless to competent in a few weeks! Still using it to prep for some upcoming interviews. Link in thread 👇
The problems are getting harder and making me think more, but I'm learning a ton. Honestly, my favorite thing about it is that there is always an article, a video and code samples, so you can learn in different ways.
So for the past two weeks I've been doing AlgoDaily from @jzraps. It's a great resource, especially if you're a "community taught" developer like me.
Here's what I've learned so far:
Day 100: Made it to 100! Happy to celebrate this milestone, but there more work to do! Continued working in Vue today and completed more modules in my #algodaily60 course. I am really enjoying @jzraps approachable detailed descriptions of tough concepts! Onwards! #100DaysOfCode
Oh and do some more practice on Algo Daily twitter.com/Rahatcodes/status/1334728332966027266
🤼♀️ algodaily DS ebook twitter.com/Hishighness999/status/1309111184768012298
R2 D27 of #100DaysOfCode
1. Started with react native introduction and installation.
2. Solved algodaily challenge for today.
#developer #software #womenintech #WomenWhoCode #WomenInSTEM #women #coders #softwaredeveloper #programming #coding
Day 90: did a few #algodaily lessons and worked thru an array challenge. Hoping this will be good practice for the last #fcc JS algorithm challenge section. Also started working on the second challenge of pset 4 for #cs50.
#100DaysOfCode #programming #javascript #algorithms
@ShivEnigma As a developer with formal education, I can say that we quickly forget how to use that knowledge.
And I’ve heard good references about algodaily.com. I also have used @EducativeInc and @LeetCode 🙂
As a developer without formal education I struggle to solve algorithm formulas.
I always tend to use loops and arrays for everything. In the web languages I used, the other data structures are not very obvious.
I improved a bit for a while using algodaily.com
Monoliths vs. Microservices for Junior Engineers (...and for me) #Engineering #architecture algodaily.com/lessons/monoliths-vs-microservices-for-junior-engineers?view=article
day8: Try to solve the challenges below on AlgoDaily for a technical interview
#100DaysOfCode Day 30-34:
Completed a whole bunch of AlgoDaily code puzzles/challenges. Lots-n-lots of [arrays].
Finished camera movement for mobile for one of my game projects.
Made progress on Udemy JS course.
Started prep for @battlesnakeio , learning python. So stoked!!!
This is really useful for your next interview
#codenewbie #100DaysOfCode #javascript #frontend #DEVcommunity #frontend #backend

"the vast majority of learning comes from the struggle of thinking it through yourself" algodaily.com/lessons/how-to-prepare-for-a-technical-interview
Best way to stay sharp in your #coding skills is to take up the challenges and #learn from them.
Daily coding challenges site link below
#daily #challenges #javascript #programming
It's good to interview software devs for sysytems design topic - from juniors to senior architects - good ones will kick ass. Here is a good orientation - algodaily.com/lessons/a-systems-design-primer-for-new-engineers
@ESzanton @rosie_mable But anyways, I strongly suggest you check out sites like leetcode or algodaily. They offer common interview q's you can use for practice!
Day 103: Continued working on #algodaily60 completing Week 1! Hooray! Highly recommend this course if you want to get your data structure and algos down pat! #100daysofCode