Justin Simon
Building content marketing and distribution engines for B2B SaaS → 🎙️ Host of Distribution First | Solopreneur
I used to think that every piece of content needed the same distribution plan.
But it’s not one-size-fits-all.
Here's how I grade content for better distribution:
The effort you put into a product webinar should be completely different from what you put into a massive original research report.
If you write a great bottom-funnel piece of content that compares you to a competitor, it might be great for Google, but terrible for a Twitter thread.
It might be great for an ad but awful as a YouTube Short.
You don’t want an umbrella distribution strategy that covers every piece of content.
The solution?
Grade your content by impact prior to creating it.
Here are a few categories you can use to grade your content:
- Relevance
- Quality
- Originality
- Impact
This will be subjective.
But it’s important to know what distribution looks like for an “A” piece of content like a podcast episode compared to a “C” piece of content like a press release or funding announcement.
Different content needs different distribution.
#contentdistribution #contentrepurposing #contentstrategy
May 2, 2023
Had an amazing evening hanging out with the boys from @myfirstmilpod.. Thank you for doing the live event @ShaanVP, @thesamparr and @awilkinson. It was great seeing you guys in person after having been a fan for years. Look forward to more such in person events!

It was awesome!
My daughter was so nervous to meet you both.
Rock stars

The @myfirstmilpod event in Austin happened tonight.
Most interesting story, by far, was @ShaanVP telling the actual true story of how he invited @thesamparr to be on the show for the first time.
Which is not the story Sam tells, because even he didn't know it til tonight.

Finally got to meet @thesamparr and @ShaanVP !! Very sad to miss @awilkinson 😔
Haha great @myfirstmilpod live event

A little hooky from @SMB_ash for the @myfirstmilpod live pod recording.

Just a few months ago I introduced my wife to Twitter and @myfirstmilpod.
Now she has >1000 followers and Sam Parr follows her 🤯 twitter.com/lizmhermann/status/1521273661298253833
I’m really enjoying the @myfirstmilpod . Probably my favourite podcast right now twitter.com/drex_jpg/status/1517699635917115392
My girlfriend just sent me this… should I propose, or..?

Unpaid promotion for one of my favorite pods...My First Million🔥🎧💪
@theSamParr & @ShaanVP both:
✅jam on awesome biz ideas
✅have built successful biz themselves
✅bring valuable & practical advice w/ @myfirstmilpod in a laid back manner that not many other podcasts can match
with @thesamparr and @ShaanVP is by far my favorite pod now
I just wanted to thank you guys for the amazing content on @myfirstmilpod. That pod is gold. @ShaanVP@thesamparr. Now's my time to stop just listening and actually doing something with that. I've been learning a lot recently, but the fear of starting is real
Anyone else save their favorite podcast for the commute home? @myfirstmilpod is my drive home pod.
There are many podcasts out there, @myfirstmilpod tops it all for me. Main reason is the hosts @thesamparr and @ShaanVP. You never once get a feeling that you are listening to some random guys, instead you feel like they are your friends and chatting with you in your living room. twitter.com/myfirstmilpod/status/1479500285219332098
Anyone else in love with the @myfirstmilpod ?
Awesome pod to stay up to date and have a good laugh!
Right now it’s @myfirstmilpod - find myself making at least a couple notes every episode.
I thought I will be spending so much time reading once I quit my job.
But in reality, I am binging on podcasts all day! 🎧
My current favourite is @myfirstmilpod by @ShaanVP and @thesamparr.
What else do you recommend for a newly minted solopreneur?
I've been slacking on my ideas... spent the day listening to my favourite pod @myfirstmilpod and I'm back! The brain is tinkering, and we're launching this app come hell or high water!
The Rob Dyrdek episode was life-changing
Loving the @myfirstmilpod. A lot of hearty real talk. They even got Balaji to laugh.
listening to @myfirstmilpod is like satisfying that intellectual craving without having to socialize
Finally made it through all of 2020’s episodes of @myfirstmilpod .. this is the year I catch up. #lifegoals @ShaanVP@thesamparr What I appreciate is how listening just generally shifts my mindset.
This is the single funniest episode of @myfirstmilpod I’ve listened to.
Just when you thought you found your favorite business podcast — the hosts are like — JK — this is a laugh-out-loud-the-entire-episode pod @ShaanVP@thesamparr open.spotify.com/episode/7aZTN33K9r2Iju4UVAdcZH?si=cKJcqNC0SHq96qPQhiJJWA&context=spotify:collection:podcasts:episodes
Running while listening to @myfirstmilpod and @awilkinson is a super catalyst for startup ideas 💡
this one is the OG. I’ve listened to every single episode and I think the greatest value it brings is it normalizes tinkering on businesses and gets the idea factory running.
Listening to the pod is the next best thing to having a circle of sucessful entrepreneurs
Justin Simon
Building content marketing and distribution engines for B2B SaaS → 🎙️ Host of Distribution First | Solopreneur
I used to think that every piece of content needed the same distribution plan.
But it’s not one-size-fits-all.
Here's how I grade content for better distribution:
The effort you put into a product webinar should be completely different from what you put into a massive original research report.
If you write a great bottom-funnel piece of content that compares you to a competitor, it might be great for Google, but terrible for a Twitter thread.
It might be great for an ad but awful as a YouTube Short.
You don’t want an umbrella distribution strategy that covers every piece of content.
The solution?
Grade your content by impact prior to creating it.
Here are a few categories you can use to grade your content:
- Relevance
- Quality
- Originality
- Impact
This will be subjective.
But it’s important to know what distribution looks like for an “A” piece of content like a podcast episode compared to a “C” piece of content like a press release or funding announcement.
Different content needs different distribution.
#contentdistribution #contentrepurposing #contentstrategy
May 2, 2023
Had an amazing evening hanging out with the boys from @myfirstmilpod.. Thank you for doing the live event @ShaanVP, @thesamparr and @awilkinson. It was great seeing you guys in person after having been a fan for years. Look forward to more such in person events!

It was awesome!
My daughter was so nervous to meet you both.
Rock stars

The @myfirstmilpod event in Austin happened tonight.
Most interesting story, by far, was @ShaanVP telling the actual true story of how he invited @thesamparr to be on the show for the first time.
Which is not the story Sam tells, because even he didn't know it til tonight.

Finally got to meet @thesamparr and @ShaanVP !! Very sad to miss @awilkinson 😔
Haha great @myfirstmilpod live event

A little hooky from @SMB_ash for the @myfirstmilpod live pod recording.

Just a few months ago I introduced my wife to Twitter and @myfirstmilpod.
Now she has >1000 followers and Sam Parr follows her 🤯 twitter.com/lizmhermann/status/1521273661298253833
I’m really enjoying the @myfirstmilpod . Probably my favourite podcast right now twitter.com/drex_jpg/status/1517699635917115392
My girlfriend just sent me this… should I propose, or..?

Unpaid promotion for one of my favorite pods...My First Million🔥🎧💪
@theSamParr & @ShaanVP both:
✅jam on awesome biz ideas
✅have built successful biz themselves
✅bring valuable & practical advice w/ @myfirstmilpod in a laid back manner that not many other podcasts can match
with @thesamparr and @ShaanVP is by far my favorite pod now
I just wanted to thank you guys for the amazing content on @myfirstmilpod. That pod is gold. @ShaanVP@thesamparr. Now's my time to stop just listening and actually doing something with that. I've been learning a lot recently, but the fear of starting is real
Anyone else save their favorite podcast for the commute home? @myfirstmilpod is my drive home pod.
There are many podcasts out there, @myfirstmilpod tops it all for me. Main reason is the hosts @thesamparr and @ShaanVP. You never once get a feeling that you are listening to some random guys, instead you feel like they are your friends and chatting with you in your living room. twitter.com/myfirstmilpod/status/1479500285219332098
Anyone else in love with the @myfirstmilpod ?
Awesome pod to stay up to date and have a good laugh!
Right now it’s @myfirstmilpod - find myself making at least a couple notes every episode.
I thought I will be spending so much time reading once I quit my job.
But in reality, I am binging on podcasts all day! 🎧
My current favourite is @myfirstmilpod by @ShaanVP and @thesamparr.
What else do you recommend for a newly minted solopreneur?
I've been slacking on my ideas... spent the day listening to my favourite pod @myfirstmilpod and I'm back! The brain is tinkering, and we're launching this app come hell or high water!
The Rob Dyrdek episode was life-changing
Loving the @myfirstmilpod. A lot of hearty real talk. They even got Balaji to laugh.
listening to @myfirstmilpod is like satisfying that intellectual craving without having to socialize
Finally made it through all of 2020’s episodes of @myfirstmilpod .. this is the year I catch up. #lifegoals @ShaanVP@thesamparr What I appreciate is how listening just generally shifts my mindset.
This is the single funniest episode of @myfirstmilpod I’ve listened to.
Just when you thought you found your favorite business podcast — the hosts are like — JK — this is a laugh-out-loud-the-entire-episode pod @ShaanVP@thesamparr open.spotify.com/episode/7aZTN33K9r2Iju4UVAdcZH?si=cKJcqNC0SHq96qPQhiJJWA&context=spotify:collection:podcasts:episodes
Running while listening to @myfirstmilpod and @awilkinson is a super catalyst for startup ideas 💡
this one is the OG. I’ve listened to every single episode and I think the greatest value it brings is it normalizes tinkering on businesses and gets the idea factory running.
Listening to the pod is the next best thing to having a circle of sucessful entrepreneurs