OK, @stayinsession is just nuts. I'd sworn off using pomodoro apps, but Session has at least 15 different *chef kiss* touches that make me love the process again.
Automatically closing Slack/Discord/all Twitter tabs when starting a new session is just NUTS
Subscribed today (woot, ARR++). Thank you for the thoughtfulness you’ve put into @stayinsession; the nudge at a specific time and reminders if a break is going long? 👌🏼 twitter.com/philipyoungg/status/1318933907803234305
Whenever I contact an indie app developer (or a tiny studio) about an #accessibility issue in their app, they are usually *extremely* supportive & fix it with the next update. That’s not to say from the big tech companies (to say the least).
Thanks, @stayinsession! 🙏 You rock.
If you into pomodoros and works with a Mac, you should definitely check @stayinsession apps, the features to block distractions are super good!
Finally get the pro subscription. If you guys are looking for a well built time tracker with analytics, get @stayinsession
Imo: great for remote worker who work with lots of independence but need to keep yourself accountable.
Love the new update to @stayinsession ! Great.. white… noise… stayinsession.com/changelog
Just subscribed to @stayinsession after trying it out for a few days. Really like how it helps with me stay focused with my tasks and reflect back on the lessons learned in each session.
.@stayinsession Just keeps glowing up. Now there is a split screen that encourages you to take notes about your work, with this message:
"Write down your thoughts, your learning, or what you are confused about. Clarify your thoughts. Writing is thinking."
@stayinsession is really a good app! it's worth giving it a try if you're looking for some pomodoro-like app with an awesome UI! twitter.com/stayinsession/status/1362006879799418887
Thanks to @stayinsession's URL Schema, I can create these handy workflow shortcuts in @alfredapp 👍
I can even use this for my stream overlay as text source 😎: "working"... "taking a break"...