@techbizgurl I unsubscribed to a LOT of newsletters a week or so ago. Yours was the only one I didn’t have to think twice about before keeping in my inbox. 🤍
@justinmooretfam @techbizgurl writes an amazing newsletter for creators! A BIG fan since a long time!!
If you are looking for motivation, inspiration, and very useful tips about side hustling, #Jesspicks is for you! Check out @techbizgurl’s newsletter!
“Be gentle with yourself.” 🤗 ~Morgan Harper Nichols by @techbizgurl getrevue.co/profile/techbizgurl/issues/be-gentle-with-yourself-morgan-harper-nichols-1037411 via @revue
Are you building a Part-time Media Empire?
Follow: @techbizgurl
and subscribe to #JessPicks
I enjoy Jess in my inbox every week, for the tiny little fact that I get an awesome inspiring quote, every single week.
Do you receive newsletters from @techbizgurl ? If not, you should! Lot of great advice on side hustles, inspiration, & more. Plus, she's just awesome! Sign up for Jesspicks here > ow.ly/J1Zc50HUmJG | #sidehustle #affiliatemarketing #techbizgurl
My favorite newsletters. Very often a much-needed counter to toxic advice coming from the productivity “experts.” Do your 2022 self a favor and sign up for it 👇🏼 twitter.com/techbizgurl/status/1473320510805135364
If you are currently running a side hustle or are considering starting one, check out the #jesspicks newsletter.
I’ve known @techbizgurl for more years than I can count and could not say enough good things.
techbizgurl.com/jesspicks twitter.com/techbizgurl/status/1473306737012887557
Newsletter recommendation: #jesspicks by @techbizgurl
A hand-picked roundup of the best resources, inspiration, and tools for side hustlers. Delivered to your inbox every Saturday.
Not sure how to define “underrated,” but here are some newsletter creators that deserve more attention:
@gregrothcreativ twitter.com/chrishlad/status/1431239070672310273
Once again, #jesspicks by @techbizgurl is chock full of useful info!
getrevue.co/profile/techbizgurl/issues/breathe-right-here-in-the-middle-of-it-all-morgan-harper-nichols-284313 via @revue
One of my fave things to do on Saturday morning is read the #jesspicks NL: 4 Lessons Learned from Writing 200 Issues of a Newsletter techbizgurl.com/4-lessons-learned-from-writing-200-issues-of-a-newsletter